Features of choosing the best wax for the car
After a long operation of the car, its body under the active influence of the external environment is covered with many chips, scratches, and other defects. Unfortunately, this process is inevitable, as it is the result of hitting stones and other hard objects on the body paintwork while other machines are moving. Abrasive dust also harms him in the same way. This not only significantly impairs the appearance of the car, but can also shorten its use. To avoid such an impact is almost impossible, however, to eliminate these defects is quite realistic. For this, various cosmetic autopolishes are widely used.which are made using wax. This material describes a practical rating of waxes used to eliminate various minor mechanical damage to a car, including liquid, solid, and other types of this highly sought-after and effective product.
What is liquid wax? What is best wax for black cars?
Many drivers are familiar with liquid wax firsthand. According to the name, it is a liquid consistency of wax, where special additives are added. Thanks to these additives, the liquid applied to the damaged areas of the car body quickly hardens. The use of this tool is very simple - you just need to sprinkle or spray it evenly on the body surface, and after 15 minutes, a maximum of half an hour, gently wipe the rest with a soft sponge or napkin - and there were no defects on the body. However, the effect of this method may disappear after a week of intensive trips or after one or two thorough washes. The use of hot wax helps to extend its time to two or more months. The question of which wax is better for the car is substantial. In practice, liquid and hot options are equally effective.

The functionality of wax products for washing
Many people are interested in how best to wax a car in winter or at other times of the year, so that the effect of using a cosmetic carriage is noticeable. It has been proved by practice that in many cases the time for its preservation is directly dependent on its functionality, performance, expenditure of effort and money. If you apply a cold liquid wax or spray, the “rejuvenated” car with it will maintain its excellent appearance for several weeks.
Hot wax gives the best effect, however, requires that it be heated before application to the body. As it cools down very quickly - for some 3 minutes, after hardening, it is enough to roll the car with a small amount of cold water and remove the residues. It is more expedient to use the “hot” version in car washes equipped with devices for heating the waxing agent to the required temperature. The effect of it lasts, as a rule, for several months.

The transfer of the “Nord Stream-2”: the new route for the gas pipeline Denmark requires Russia to...
Nord Stream 2 AG, the operator of Nord Stream-2, said that the completion of the gas pipeline construction could be postponed to the second half of 2020 if Copenhagen requires a change of route. Analyst Alexey Grivach commented on this probability.
The company Nord Stream 2 AG, which is the operator of Nord Stream-2, said that the completion of the construction of the pipeline could be postponed to the second half of 2020, if Denmark requires a change of route. Consideration of another option for laying the object Copenhagen asked back in March - through the disputed waters with Poland. Now, according to the operator, the Danish government can delay the decision on the route until the end of 2019.
In an interview with FBA Economy Today, Deputy Director General for Gas Issues of the National Energy Security Foundation, Alexey Grivach, commented on the concerns of Nord Stream 2 AG. In his opinion, the postponement of the completion of the construction of Nord Stream-2 is possible only hypothetically, and the chances of delivering the facility on time remain great.
Copenhagen unreasonably and illegally trying to delay the issuance of the necessary permission to lay pipes in its territorial waters, coming up with various pretexts to delay the implementation of the Russian project. One of these “pretexts” was the Danes ’demand for Nord Stream 2 AG to submit a study on the third route, but the waters where the pipeline must pass are virtually unavailable - the procedures for ratifying Poland and Denmark in disputed territories have not yet been completed.
“In other words, the Danish authorities impose obviously impossible demands on Russia, which once again shows the redundancy, unwarranted and unlawful nature of Copenhagen’s actions. However, today the project is proceeding at a fairly high pace and the Danes have no influence on this, ”stated Grivach.
Currently, more than 1.2 thousand kilometers of pipes of the sea part of Nord Stream-2 have been laid. When the ships engaged in construction approach the site of Denmark, the entire pipeline infrastructure will be ready. In this case, Copenhagen should take into account that its restrictions violate not only the interests of the Russian Federation, but also European companies that have invested in this pipeline, the expert concludes....
Earlier, American expert in international relations Atlantic Consul Alan Riley spoke about the only scenario that could stop the implementation of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline. Read more - in the material "PolitPazl . "...